Blog Sticking To A Feeding Schedule that works for you and your cats

Sticking To A Feeding Schedule that works for you and your cats


Ever feel like your cats want to design their very own feeding schedule? It could look very random or even be scheduled at the weirdest hours of the day - and night. Coming up with a schedule that you can live with and that works for the cats can seem a little daunting especially if you spend most of your time at home. 

When you're at home, the cats are more apt to sequester you to the kitchen whenever they are even the slightest hungry. During the covid-19 quarantine, my cats were thrilled to have me at home and made sure I knew every single time they were hungry. All throughout the day the cats would come into my office and let out a screeching cry-mroew just to make sure I clearly understood they were hungry. 

Our cats eat their wet food in the morning around 7:30 and in the evening around 5:00. But since I was home I have learned that they get hangry for snacks mid day and just before we go to bed. So I have had to adapt my schedule. 

Things To Consider

Your Cats Age and Needs

We have a senior cat that's 18 and she has kidney disease. I find that she throws up if we sleep too late in the morning. This can happen because she gets nauseous easily with kidney issues. She would be a great example of a cat that would benefit from a daily feeder, and making sure it opens for her even earlier than we wake up. I have another cat that is overweight and she gets very hangry quickly. If we don't wake up on time she can get very upset. Younger cats seem to be able to wait longer for breakfast but most older or special needs cats are just not able to wait too long for breakfast so I would consider this first meal very carefully

Activity Schedule 

Some cats are very active in the morning and early evening and then sleep during the day. As long as my cats get their breakfast first thing in the morning, they will settle into nap time during the day. Nap time also consists of what I call quiet time. They like to sleep in front of the glass door and watch birds, then they will rotate their nap locations, another cat will start what we call the roomies, where she runs around the house, climbs the cat tree, scratches her claws and then dashes into the bed way up high on a shelf for another nap. When cats are rotating from place to place, I find that some of them enjoy a snack and will ask for one. This docent mean that they are super hungry for a can of more cat food, but they do seem to enjoy a small bite of homemade chicken, or chopped up bacon bits, or other healthy snack. If you have a timed feeder this would be a good addition to the feeder during the afternoon. 

Strategic Feedings

You've been in the kitchen, right in the middle of preparing a meal and in walks kitty meowing and circling your feet wanting dinner. When the cats are mreowing, and won't leave you alone, you can be sure cat dinner is way to late. Ive been there! I make every effort to feed them before I start to cook dinner. One thing that bugs me is when I am eating dinner and the cats are Mreowing so loudly and I cant even hear myself think. 

Best Way To Stick To Their Schedule

When you're home all the time it's easier to keep a schedule you all can agree with. But if you have to work late, or travel, the best way to keep them on track is the timed feeder. If you have a timed feeder you or a pet sitter can refill it and the cats can enjoy their food, snacks and medications on the schedule they are use to. If you don't have a timed feeder then the second best thing is a pet sitter that can pop in and provide one-on-one meals once or twice so you know they are eating and feeling well. 


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